Hughes Fowler Carruthers

28 Oct 2018

Mark Harper contributes to European Parliament-commissioned study on family law and Brexit

Home > NEWS > 28 Oct 2018

Partner Mark Harper was a contributor to the newly published study, ‘The Future Relationship between the UK and the EU following the UK’s withdrawal from the EU in the field of family law’, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs.

The study explores the possible legal scenarios of judicial cooperation between the EU and the UK at both the stage of the withdrawal and of the future relationship in the area of family law, covering the developments up until 5 October 2018.

More specifically, it assesses the advantages and disadvantages of the various options for what should happen to family law cooperation after Brexit in terms of legal certainty, effectiveness and coherence. It also reflects on the possible impact of the departure of the UK from the EU on the further development of EU family law. Finally, it offers some policy recommendations on the topics under examination.

For more information and to read the study, please click here

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