Hughes Fowler Carruthers

17 Apr 2019

Pauline Fowler comments in Bloomberg on how no-fault divorce reforms may make divorce easier

Home > NEWS > 17 Apr 2019

London courts have long been home to some of the world’s most expensive and acrimonious divorces. UHNW and HNW individuals have been caught up in courtroom battles that have, in certain cases, been triggered by archaic rules that forced one spouse to blame the other for the breakdown of their marriage.

Earlier this month, a government proposal, which looks to introduce no-fault divorce, will end the requirement that a spouse needs to blame their partner. Without the need to assign fault, wealthy individuals may file for divorce earlier and end up with a less emotional process.

Pauline Fowler commented:

“This moves it away from the blame game. People won’t waste money on an argument that has no bearing on anything other than why the marriage broke down.” 


Read Pauline’s comments in Bloomberg and The Business Times.

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