Hughes Fowler Carruthers

At Hughes Fowler Carruthers we pride ourselves on having the flexibility to resolve matters both through litigious and non-litigious means. A large proportion of our clients have complicated financial arrangements and so our lawyers are well-versed in the commercial and corporate worlds, and have a thorough understanding of trusts law.

It is inevitable that, in cases where there are complex financial structures, negotiations will take place at some stage about resolving the issues. Such negotiations can take place on a standalone basis, without the need for involving the court, or within court proceedings.

At Hughes Fowler Carruthers we pride ourselves on having the flexibility to resolve matters both through litigious and non-litigious means. A core ingredient for either approach is being a successful negotiator. The key elements of the success of such negotiations is our understanding of our clients’ needs; our knowledge of the financial world in which our clients (or their partners) operate; and our expertise in using the tools available to the matrimonial court to reach a settlement that is in the clients’ best interests. When necessary, we take advice from commercial, tax and trusts experts. Such negotiations can be conducted either through correspondence, face-to-face meetings with all parties present or “three room” meetings where the lawyers discuss matters in one room whilst the clients are given space in separate rooms and confidential access to their lawyers.

A decision about which method of negotiation is appropriate will be made according to the specific case and the needs of the client. The success of such negotiations is dependent on a clear understanding of the aims and goals of the client and the settlement options. Of course, if the negotiations break down alternative ways of reaching a satisfactory conclusion will be considered. Hughes Fowler Carruthers’ detailed knowledge of the settlement process, as well as the court and alternative dispute resolution routes, enables us to provide a precise focus to these negotiations.

Latest News

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