Divorce and Bankruptcy
The spectre of bankruptcy can sometimes intrude into a divorce. A spouse may b…
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Asset Freezing Injunctions
The English court has very wide powers to order the freezing of assets anywhere …
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Complex Financial Negotiations
A large proportion of our clients have complicated financial arrangements and so…
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Complex Offshore Corporate and Trust Entities
Hughes Fowler Carruthers act for spouses both in attacking and defending trust a…
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Court of Protection
The Court of Protection is a highly specialist court which exists to safeguard t…
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Enforceability of foreign orders
The enforceability of foreign orders is a highly complex area of family law.…
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Financial Provision following a Foreign Divorce
Someone who has been divorced abroad, but is now habitually resident in England …
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High Value Family or Business Assets
Our clients come from different parts of the world, and from varied social posit…
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Inheritance Problems
First, where a Will is made which fails to make reasonable financial provision f…
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International and Jurisdictional Disputes
An international couple may be able to get divorced in more than one country.…
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Pensions Issues
Pension assets can be very valuable and need to be considered carefully in the e…
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Tax Consequences of Divorce or Separation
The starting point for separating couples is that after the end of a tax year in…
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Tracing Hidden Assets
There are circumstances in which one party in a relationship is secretive about …
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Alex Carruthers speaks at Legal Week’s Private Client Forum Americas 2020
Alex Carruthers will speak at Legal Week’s Private Client Forum Americas 2…
post | Partner,Press
Mark Harper speaks at the Wealth Advisors Forum
Mark Harper, will be speaking at this year’s Wealth Advisors Forum, taking…
post | Partner,Press
Alex Carruthers to speak at Private Wealth Malta 2018
Alex Carruthers will be speaking at Private Wealth Malta 2018, a conference host…
post | Press
Renato Labi shortlisted in Spear’s Wealth Management Awards
Renato Labi is delighted to have been shortlisted for Family Lawyer of the Year …
post | Uncategorized
Learning from Johnny Depp’s ‘extraordinary’ spending
In some divorce cases, a spouse can deliberately waste money during the marriage…
post | Press
Alex Carruthers comments in The Law Society Gazette as millionaire property developer jailed for contempt over divorce settlement
An 83-year-old businessman has been jailed for 14 months for 'serious contempt' …
post | Partner,Press